Access the preview of your site


In your CentralApp account interface, you'll find a "Preview" button in the top right corner. This allows you to preview the final appearance of your site on both mobile and desktop, and adjust its branding. 

Capture d’écran 2024-09-17 à 16.47.52.png

You can visit the preview before your site goes live to check the overall look and navigation, or after it’s live when you've made changes. These changes will take around 15 minutes to appear online.

Before going live 

Before your site is published, we release a Cover (a simplified webpage with essential features). When you access the site preview before going live, you will automatically see the Cover.

To view the full preview of your site, go to the preview settings at the top right:

Capture d’écran 2024-09-24 à 09.45.26.png

Select "Smart Website" and click "Edit" at the bottom of the page. The full preview of your site will then appear.

Capture d’écran 2024-09-17 à 16.37.51.png

After going live

Once your site is live, you can consult the preview whenever you've made changes. The changes you've saved will appear in the preview and will be visible online within approximately 15 minutes.

Read also: 


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