Activating the Partoo Chat integration


With Partoo, you can setup a chat widget on your website so that your customers can contact you easily without leaving your website.

How do you integrate with Partoo Chat?

You will need your Partoo Partner identifier number. If you do not have this number, please contact your Partoo account manager before proceeding.

  1. Login to
  2. Go to your "Website Editor"
  3. Scroll down and select "Messenger & Chat"
  4. Select the "Integration of an advanced solution" and then the "Partoo Chat" option
  5. Input your Partner identifier number
  6. Preview and confirm!

Once your integration is setup, you will see the chat bubble at the bottom of your business' website. Here, clients can input their contact information and let you know their question or comment. You can receive and respond to these via your Partoo account.


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