Translate a menu


With the multilingual option enabled, you can offer your menu in the various languages you wish.

👋 This feature displays your website in the language of the visitor's device, if it is enabled in your CentralApp settings. Otherwise, the site will appear in your establishment's primary language.

Is multilingual activated?

To ensure an optimal user experience for a diverse audience, it is essential to choose a multilingual site. By activating it, you allow your visitors to navigate easily in their preferred language.

➡️ Activate multilingual on your site

Translate a PDF menu

  1. From the Menu option, access your menu by clicking on its edit icon
  2. Once in the menu, scroll to the bottom of the page where you can activate the language versions of your menu
  3. Translate the title (and the description if you've added one)
  4. Then, upload your translated PDF document

Blog Banner for Website Content (11).gif

Translate a detailed menu

Here are the steps to follow:

  • Activate menu languages and translate the name as well as the description.
  • Translate menu sections, including their descriptions.
  • Translate menu items, along with their descriptions and price variations.

Activate menu languages and translate its name

From the Menu option, click the Settings button on the right:

Enable the languages for the menu and name it in the chosen language

Capture d’écran 2025-01-15 à 16.19.39.png

Activate the languages for the menu and give it a name in the chosen language. Once this step is completed, you can begin translating the content.

Capture d’écran 2025-01-15 à 16.23.28.png

Translate sections

Go to the Sections tab to translate each section of the menu and the corresponding descriptions.

Capture d’écran 2025-01-15 à 16.26.29.png

Translate items

Make sure to translate not only the dish names but also their descriptions and any price variations you’ve added.

Capture d’écran 2025-01-15 à 16.28.03.png

👋 Automatic translation of sections and items

CentralApp simplifies section and menu translation with dedicated tabs for each activated language, identifiable by their language codes. An orange dot highlights any missing translations.

To save time, use the automatic translation feature, which is based on the source language. However, make sure to review the results, as informal or specific expressions might lead to errors.

Capture d’écran 2025-01-15 à 16.29.58.png

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