Translate a menu into different languages

This article is about translating a menu into different languages.

  • If you want to add languages to your website, please refer to to the following article: Multilingual Websites
  • If you want to change the language of your account on CentralApp, please refer to the following article : Account language


If you have the multi-language option in your CentralApp subscription, then it is possible to add your menu or price list in the language version activated on CentralApp.

When the customer visits your website, he will be redirected to the version written in the language used by the customer's phone. This is only possible if such language is activated in the CentralApp profile of your establishment. Otherwise, the client will see your website in the main language of your establishment.

First of all, before trying to translate a menu into multiple languages, please make sure that you have activated the languages in which you want to translate your menu. To do so, you have to go to the category "Languages" which is located in the "Website Settings" section after clicking on "Website editor".


In the case of a PDF menu

It is possible to import into CentralApp a PDF document that you have translated beforehand. To do so, go to the menu in question by clicking on the menu edit icon.


At the bottom of the page you will see that it is possible to activate language variations for your menu. When activating a new language for your menu you will have to translate the title and the description (if a description has been put in the original version) and add the translated document.



In the case of a detailed menu

To activate a translation of the detailed menu, you must first go through the menu parameters (after having pressed the edit button of the menu), and then activate the translated version(s).



Once activated, you will have to translate each section and its respective description (by going to the "Section" tab and clicking on the edit icon of each section), then translate each item published in the menu list. You will have to see to translate the name, but also the description and price variations if they have been filled in the original language.





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