If you want to integrate your TheFork booking system, this article is for you!
How do I integrate the TheFork booking form?
To integrate your TheFork booking system, here are the steps to follow:
- Go to "Website Editor" from your CentralApp account beta.centralapp.com at the top right of your page.
- Go to the "Table booking" tab.
- Click on "Integration of an advanced solution" in the "Online bookings" section.
- Choose your TheFork partner by clicking on "Enable".
5. A pop-up will appear asking you "Your client ID with this partner." If you know your client ID, input it here. If not, follow these next steps to find your client ID.
How to locate your ID number
- Go to TheFork
- Search for your restaurant
- Once you are on the page of your restaurant, copy the number :
- https://www.thefork.com/restaurant/restaurant-name-r+identification number
- for example: https://www.thefork.com/restaurant/can-luis-r11861
- Go then to the website https://calendarexamples.thefork.com/ (TheFork widgets) and click on "Get your widget".
- Enter your previously copied ID number, choose "Link" for the Type, and choose the country in which your restaurant is located.
- Copy only the ending of the link provided, in the example below "11861-acaca". This is your real ID number which you will need to provide in the field on CentralApp.
If you still cannot find your restaurant ID, please contact TheFork support at theforkmanager.com/contact to obtain it.