Synchronise your Google My Business listing

Why should I synchronise my Google listing? 

Synchronising your Google listing with the CentralApp platform will save you time. By synchronising your accounts, you only have to modify your information on CentralApp, and your Google listing will automatically update. You can do the same with Facebook synchronisation. 

How do I synchronise my Google listing with the CentralApp platform? 

Once you have logged in to the CentralApp platform, you need to go to the "Online Reputation" section. From this page, you can link your Google listing by clicking on the "Link" or "Connect" button corresponding to the Google listing. Then, you just have to follow the instructions, i.e. enter your email and your password of the Google listing of your establishment. 

The green "Sync" button confirms that your Google listing is correctly synchronised. 

The orange "Waiting" button means that Google is checking the synchronisation. This should not take more than 24/48 hours. After this delay, please contact our customer service. 


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