Edit a PDF menu


Menus are one of the most important parts of your website because they allow your customers to discover your offerings. This article guides you through the steps to edit a PDF menu on CentralApp.

How to edit a PDF menu on CentralApp?

Access the website editor and go to the MENU option. Then, identify the PDF menu you want to modify. An edit icon (represented by a square and pencil) will be visible next to each menu.

Capture d’écran 2025-01-15 à 11.13.06.png

To update the PDF file, click the upload arrow that appears in the options. You can then upload a new PDF file from your computer. Afterward, verify and save your changes.

Capture d’écran 2025-01-15 à 11.14.28.png

👋 If menu translation is enabled on your site, it is best to upload a PDF file for each language to ensure an optimal experience for your users.

➡️ Translating a menu into different languages


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